Fort Worth Chiropractor discusses how to make and use your own homemade Castor Oil Packs to help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
Ricinoleic Acid is a fatty acid within castor oil that offers many beneficial healing properties. It has been shown to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, relax nerves, dissolve adhesions, remove toxins and increase circulation of the blood and lymphatic systems!
In other words… there are a lot of potential benefits.
You will need:
- Unbleached, Wool Flannel
- Castor Oil (organic preferred)
- Saran Wrap
- Electric Hot Pack
- Pour 1-3 TBS Castor Oil onto the Flannel (3-4 thicknesses)
- Place Flannel directly on the skin over area of complaint
- Place saran wrap over the flannel
- Apply the heating pad over the saran wrap
- Leave pack in place for 45-90 minutes. Typically, longer in the beginning is recommended and then reduce application time over several sessions as inflammation or symptoms improve. (It is recommended to place an old towel under you incase any oil leaks)
*It is preferred to heat the flannel with the castor oil on the hot pack for about 20 minutes before applying to the skin to allow the heat to activate the Ricinoleic Acid.
After session place the wool flannel in a small air tight storage container and place in the fridge until next use. The same piece of flannel can be used for up to 20 sessions. Apply additional Castor oil to the flannel as desired but is not required each session.
Repeat protocol as needed, higher frequency in the beginning or with a flare up of symptoms is most beneficial.
Confer with a health professional before using an home remedies to ensure no contraindications to your health.
This protocol is for topical use only, not for ingestion. Castor oil is considered safe for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. However, some people feel nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach discomfort and faintness after using or injesting the oil. If you feel something like that stop taking castor oil. Side effects may worsen in case of long-term use. Although a serious allergy to castor oil is rare, one of castor oil side effects is allergic reactions after applying it. A serious allergy to castor oil is rare. If you have any of the following symptoms seek medical attention and stop using the oil: Itching, Rash, Swelling (swelling of face/throat/tongue is very dangerous), Dizziness, Stinging and redness and/or trouble breathing. To check if you are sensitive to castor oil conduct a patch pest. Put a small amount of the oil on your forearm and wait for 24 hours. Any type of reaction, even a slight itching or redness is a contradiction to using the oil. Nursing & Pregnant women: Pregnant women shouldn’t use castor oil without doctor’s supervision. It is unknown whether castor oil enters the breast milk so avoid using castor oil while breast-feeding unless advised by your doctor.
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