Your local Express Fort Worth Chiropractic Office Food Drive is Starting Saturday 11/07/20.
Over these years we have been able to impact the lives of children because of your thoughtfulness and patronage. The income we gain from your memberships and visits to the office funds the Express Chiropractic Children’s Foundation supporting the needs of kids local and worldwide.
Items you donate support local children in our community. Here is a message from the Community Storehouse on items needed this year:
With more kids doing school at home and with the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas school break, thousands of students who depend on the free/reduced meal program at school will face food insecurity. Our Holiday Food Box program provides supplemental food to needy families as well as a Holiday Meal. We cannot provide this program without your help.
Please help the Storehouse fight childhood hunger. The following items are in a typical Holiday Food Box.
- Corn
- Green Beans
- Canned Vegetables
- Granola Bars
- Chili
- Sloppy Joes
- Tuna
- Beans
- Soup
- Apple Sauce
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Fruit
- Oatmeal
Express Fort Worth is accepting donations through Saturday November 21st. Please let your family and friends know that Express Chiropractic Fort Worth and Keller are drop off locations.
Thanks so much!
Dr. K and the Express Team in Fort Worth